Virtue in the Wasteland Podcast (Wasteland Companion)

We explore moral psychology in Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind. Next week, we will discuss further with Dr. Kristen Koenig, a sociologist. will have relevant show notes.

Direct download: Moral_Psychology_and_Group_Think_Part_1.mp3
Category:Wasteland Companion -- posted at: 5:00pm PDT

Whether you've read this book before or thinking about giving it a shot, you can join in.  We discuss important historical, religious, literary and philosophical themes in this important Russian Novel.  We talk especially about the Grand Inquisitor, the novel's most famous chapter.  

Direct download: ViW52wc_Brothers_Karamazov.mp3
Category:Wasteland Companion -- posted at: 5:00am PDT

Classicist C.J. Armstrong explains the importance and beauty of Homer's Iliad.  This is the first of several Wasteland Companions, shows where we give you the important background and summary of a great book.  Unfortunately, Jeff's mic wasn't working right.  Fortunately, this is one of the few shows where he doesn't talk too much.  Share with a high schooler or college student perhaps who is reading this in their studies, or a friend who likes to go back and pick up great works they missed in school.

Direct download: ViW40wc_The_Illiad.mp3
Category:Wasteland Companion -- posted at: 5:00am PDT